Friday, June 15, 2012

Mole, Mariscas, My poor Son.

Basically Noah has been a bit sick, by sick I mean that his body is covered in a type of hives and his face looks like a fat kid that got a bee sting. Yesterday after an hour on the phone, I finally got a hold of someone who gave me a doctor in Cuernavaca. When I called the doctor we found out that he was only an intern and didnt see kids. I had to think fast because his face was ballooning, so I hailed a taxi with my abuelo and went to the closest red cross. The moral of this story is: 1) Im angry at BlueCross, and the whole insurance system, and 2) I need to learn spanish better. The mexican system is very different than Im used to and I had to pay cash for everything.

We learned that Noah is allergic to the sun in mexico. Yeah, thats right, my luck struck again, my son is allergic to the place that I brought him for the summer. Any way, we got some perscription creme for his skin, and he has to stay in the shade for a while.

Yesterday in class we made ‘mole.’ And sang a song about it. It was pretty good. I’m posting pictures. This was my first time tasting let alone making mole, so we had fun dancing and singing around the kitchen.

Okay. So today we went back to the Palacio Cortes, but this time we toured it. Im posting pictures from it. I think the coolest thing about the castle was the Diego Rivera mural. It was really cool. It was a brief history of the indigenous culture of mexico. I took photos of the mural and of Diego Rivera’s signature.

Mexico is always loud. Always. During the day, there are Fireworks going off everywhere, for peoples birthdays, and who knows what else. Mexico votes for its next president on July 1, so there are constant political parties with mariachi bands. Our casa is directly next to a church and they have service in the evenings. We can here singing and cheering from 7-9ish. Also, this morning around 8 am someone was on a flute, I think for a political rally. There are constantly dogs barking, inscets cricketing, and birds chirping. Speaking of birds, I have never heard some of the sounds these birds make before. Its pretty cool.

At my school we have so many different plants and animals and insects and we see butterflies constantly. There is a banana tree, papaya, avacado and hibiscus. It feels like we are in the jungle especially with how many insects there are.

After my first week here, I am feeling a little better, and the boys are too. Parker is mostly smiles and now noahs face is slowly returning to normal. Although I am exhausted, I am excited for the weeks to come.

Now we are headed to go out Salsa Dancing. We learned how in class day yesterday and it was really fun. Okay hope everyone is well, Hasta mañana!

Okay.. just got home from dancing in the Zocolo. That place is crazy and really cool. We had so much fun doing the salsa and listening to the live band. Noah got sick while we were there so we left. We took a cab home and then it started raining, the kind that soakes you to the bone but still is somehow warm. The cab driver was really, really friendly and asked for my number… for future services… ha.  But It was a good night. Next week I will  go again… sans children

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